Selected Works of

R. Carter Pittman

Honorable Carter Pittman is one of the learned men of the legal profession. If you do not like him, remember he is an opponent worthy of your best steel.
His philosophy like that of George Mason is “Rule by consent of the governed.”

T. Whitfield Davidson
May 15, 1962

OBERT CARTER PITTMAN was born in Calhoun, Gordon County, Georgia, October 8, 1898, one of twelve children of Robert McGrady and Lelia Thomas Pittman. He grew up in the Villanow, Walker County, Georgia area. He received his preparatory education from Reinhardt College, Emory University, and the University of Georgia. After receiving a LL.B. from Columbia University in 1927, Mr. Pittman began practicing law in Dalton, Whitfield County, Georgia, establishing a firm in which he was active until his death March 15, 1972.

Mr. Pittman was a member of the Board of Bar Examiners of the State of Georgia, the American and Georgia Bar Associations, the American Judicature Society, and the National Federation of Insurance Counsel. He was the author of many articles in the field of constitutional law and history, published in the American Bar Association Journal, the Virginia Law Review, the Georgia Bar Journal, the Alabama Lawyer, the Florida Law Journal, and other publications.

In the early 1940’s, he began collecting originals and copies of letters, manuscripts and holographs by, or relative to, George Mason of Virginia, author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, June 12, 1776 (three weeks before the Declaration of Independence), and the Virginia Constitution of the same year—from which our U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights was derived. Mr. Pittman was considered by many to be an authority on the Bill of Rights and constitutional law pertaining to it.

He was the first president elected by the Tufted Textile Manufacturers’ Association, now known as the Carpet and Rug Institute, served two one-year terms, and was instrumental in the organization, growth and development of the North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation. Mr. Pittman served on the boards of several local businesses and financial institutions.

A veteran of World War I, he was a former vice chairman of the Georgia Democratic Committee and was a member of the Georgia Commission of Constitutional Government.

He was a member of the Dalton Civitan Club, Dalton Elks Lodge and Dalton Masonic Lodge. In 1949 he was named to the University of Georgia Gridiron Society. In 1967 he was elected to the (Wall) of Fame of the Demosthenian Literary Society at the University of Georgia. He was a trustee of Camp Juliet Lowe for Girl Scouts at Cloudland Canyon.

Mr. Pittman married Charlotte Pruden, a native Daltonian, daughter of Lottie A. and Frank S. Pruden, January 24, 1935. Their children were Carol P. Tipton, born April 9, 1938, R. Carter Pittman, Jr., born January 8, 1940 and Jane P. Lieberman, born July 10, 1944, deceased March 17, 1977.

Biography provided courtesy of Mr. R. Carter Pittman, Jr.

The Home of George Mason

The largest online collection of primary source materials on the Constitution and Bill of Rights and their antecedents.

Conservative Resource Site of William Flax, Esq.
featuring the Conservative Debate Handbook.

Online presentation of Keynes At Harvard:
Economic Deception as a Political Credo.

Introduction to R. Carter Pittman

The George Mason Research Project
 (A Letter to the Washington Post, January 23, 1954) 


      Essays on George Mason

George Mason of Gunston Hall (1725-1792)

George Mason and the Rights of Men

George Mason: The Architect of American Liberty

George Mason: Architect of Constitutional Liberty

      Essays on Founding Documents

The Virginia Declaration of Rights: Its Place in History

The Declaration of Independence: Its Antecedents and Authors

Jasper Yeates’s Notes on the Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention

The Constitution and Limited Government

      Essays on the Bill of Rights

Our Bill of Rights: How It Came to Be

The Colonial and Constitutional History of the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination in America

The Fifth Amendment: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

How the Fifth Amendment Was Subverted to Protect Treason

The Safeguards of the Sixth Amendment

The Bill of Rights Defined
 (A Letter to the New York Times, October 8, 1955)

      Essays on the Judiciary

The Emancipated Judiciary in America: Its Colonial and Constitutional History

Judicial Supremacy in America: Its Colonial and Constitutional History

The Law of the Land

The Supreme Court Must Be Purged

A Georgia Lawyer Examines the Bar

      Essays on other topics

Equality Versus Liberty: The Eternal Conflict

Which shall it be? Liberty or Equality, Americanism or Marxism

The Federal Invasion of Arkansas in the Light of the Constitution

The Tomb of American Liberty

The Sovereign States

Elliot’s Debates and Farrand’s Records of the Federal Convention, 1787
are available online courtesy of the Library of Congress at
A Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation.”

Included are the Journals of the Continental Congress,
Congressional Debates and Journals, American State Papers,
and other resources pertaining to the records of the United States.


The Online Library of Liberty
(Liberty Fund, Inc.)

Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
(Avalon Project at Yale Law School)

Historic Documents
(The Federalist Society)

This page brings together for the first time on the Internet selected writings of the Hon. R. Carter Pittman
for the benefit of students, researchers, and everyone who appreciates American history.
It is presented to the public with the kind permission of Mr. R. Carter Pittman, Jr.

Joel T. LeFevre,  webmaster

As of  Feb. 18, 2004